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Revolutionizing TMS: Don't Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater

  • Fachvortrag
  • GALA
  • 15. November
  • 09:00 - 09:45 AM (MEZ)
  • C7.2
  • beendet
  • Keine Folien hochgeladen
  •  Andre  Hemker

    Andre Hemker

    • Wordbee


A translation management system (TMS) simplifies managing content across different languages and locales. It's easy to see why the buzz for "headless TMS" has caught on. They claim to allow content to be managed, extracted, repurposed, and delivered through numerous endpoints. But is it worth removing the front-end for these capabilities? With modern front-ends using identical endpoints, it's unnecessary. There are commercially available systems that can serve this function without the immense downside of lacking "human in the loop" capabilities that headless systems bring. These lack traditional translation management capabilities and any business functionality. Any intervention can create a plethora of problems. Rejecting traditional TMS altogether is not the answer. Instead, modern LangOps provides a better solution that keeps the valuable and discards the unwanted.

Das lernen Sie

1. "Headless TMS" may seem appealing, but removing the front-end for these capabilities may not be worth it, as modern front-ends can use identical endpoints.

2. Headless TMS lack traditional translation management capabilities and any business functionality, which can create problems.

3. Instead of rejecting traditional TMS altogether, modern LangOps provides a better solution that keeps the valuable and discards the unwanted.

4. Keep the "human in the loop" capabilities that traditional TMS bring for a more efficient and effective process.


 Andre  Hemker

Andre Hemker

  • Wordbee

Since 2020, I have been the CEO of Wordbee, a translation software company with one of the most advanced translation management solutions on the market. Wordbee is a leading choice among localization professionals all over the world, across every imaginable field, including life sciences, games, software, and language service providers. After spending more than a decade working in media production and translation, I founded Wordcraft GmbH in 2016 and established a successful full-service LSP that offers everything from language training to translation and voiceover recording. I evangelize for a tight and effective interconnection between post-production and translation workflows. I hold a Master of Arts in Translation and a BA in English, both from the University of Leipzig.