tekom - Tagungen

Software Tooltips that make a Difference!

  • Fachvortrag
  • Visuelle Kommunikation
  • 16. November
  • 14:00 - 14:45 PM (MEZ)
  • Plenum2
  • beendet
  • Keine Folien hochgeladen
  •  Anton Bollen

    Anton Bollen

    • TechSmith Corporation


How do you get software users to try out new features? In the case of Snagit, our UA team uses animated tooltips to highlight the feature and link to further information. Let's take a look behind-the-scenes at the process of creating these tooltips, how the development, UX, and UA teams collaborate , and the impact the new tooltips have had so far.

Das lernen Sie

Insights into the process of creating visual, enhanced tooltips: How was this idea conceived and what are the goals? Design, integration and localization - and ideas on what you can within your software.




 Anton Bollen

Anton Bollen

  • TechSmith Corporation

Anton Bollen is TechSmith’s Customer Success Manager and works closely with the European user base to support and enable them in the creation of instructional videos, screenshots and other projects. He has a background in instructional design and globalization, and he loves to solve Rubik cubes.