tekom - Tagungen

The European Circular Economy Action Plan - Technical communication is important for sustainable pro

  • Fachvortrag
  • Rechtliche Anforderungen und Normen
  • 14. November
  • 11:30 - 12:15 AM (MEZ)
  • Plenum2
  • beendet
  • Keine Folien hochgeladen
  • Dr. Gabriela Fleischer

    Dr. Gabriela Fleischer

    • tekom Deutschland e.V.


The European Circular Economy Action Plan launched a package of measures in Europe to shape the transition to a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy. With the "Making Sustainable Products the norm" strategy, Europe is focusing on durability, repair, reuse, remanufacturing, recycling, disassembly in product design. Information for use is the tool to provide the necessary information to enable sustainable product use. With the digital product passport, a new instrument is promoted also providing information for use.

Das lernen Sie

  • Link the European Circular Economy Action Plan with Technical Communication and information for use;
  • Getting familiar with draft legislations that rely on information for the sustainable product use
  • Digital Product Passport as new information product
  • Insights in the European Circular Economy Action Plan related to technical communication
  • Presentation of draft regulations (e.g. Eco-design, construction products, right to repair) referencing information for use as tool for sustainable product use
  • Digital Product Passport


Dr. Gabriela Fleischer

Dr. Gabriela Fleischer

  • tekom Deutschland e.V.

Dr. Gabriela Fleischer, Dipl.-Oecotrophologin, has been working at tekom Deutschland e.V. since May 2022 as officer for standards and legal regulations and is appointed as an expert in the national and international committees for the ISO/IEC standard series 82079. Previously, she worked in various consumer organizations (e.g. DIN Consumer Council) on sustainability, information for use, legibility of price labeling. In 2012, she was awarded the IEC 1906 Award for her work as a convenor on IEC 82079-1.

Dr. Gabriela Fleischer, Dipl.-Oecotrophologin, arbeitet seit Mai 2022 bei tekom Deutschland e.V. als Referentin für Normen und Regulierungen und ist als Expertin in den nationalen und internationalen Gremien zur ISO/IEC Normreihen 82079 benannt. Zuvor arbeitete sie in verschiedenen Verbraucherorganisationen zu Nachhaltigkeit, Gebrauchsanleitungen, Preisauszeichnungen u.a. im DIN-Verbraucherrat. 2012 wurde sie mit dem IEC 1906 Award für die Arbeit als Convenorin an der IEC 82079-1 ausgezeichnet.