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Svetoslav Pandeliev

  • SAP Labs Bulgaria
  • Sofia
  •  Svetoslav Pandeliev


Sveto joined the tech communication world in 2018 after spending several years in pre-sales and patent application drafting. He's especially interested in everything related to docs-as-code because it removes one of the major hurdles in every tech writer's job - getting those technical details from the subject matter experts. His on-the-job interests are mainly around developer documentation such as tutorials and API docs and creating videos. 

Ever since he switched careers, Sveto's been telling everyone that he would've become a tech writer earlier had he known about the profession when graduating. Since October 2022, Sveto's been part of the initiative committee of tekom Bulgaria, helping grow the technical writing community in the country and spread the word about technical writing among the younger generation. 

Beiträge zur tekom-Jahrestagung 2023