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Kees van Mansom

  • Accenture
  • Almere
  •  Kees van Mansom


I lost my first temp job by mentioning I found the work so repetitive that I felt like a robot. Since then, I have dedicated my working life to utilizing and explaining technology to motivate people and make them achieve more. I feel at my best when working on transformation initiatives and technology innovations in the context of technical instructions and thoroughly enjoy presenting my solutions to any audience, large or small.

By utilizing my storytelling, ideation and (technical) writing skills, I make sure there is the commitment from all key players in the organization to grow transformation and innovation ideas into solutions that bring real value to my clients, their customers, and their people.

As the leading technical solution architect in technical publication services at Accenture, I help my clients in transforming the operations of their technical documentation departments by architecting solutions based on state-of-the-art technology. A good example of my work is the design and development of a revolutionary new solution for context-based instructions, which will provide organizations with the means to give every individual user the right instruction at the right time and tailored to the context.

Beiträge zur tekom-Jahrestagung 2023