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Daniela Zambrini

  • eXeL8
  • Roma
  •  Daniela Zambrini


Daniela Zambrini has been working in the airline industry since 1987 and as a freelance translator for over twenty years. As a translator, she specializes in aviation, defence, and logistics (IT>EN and EN>IT).

Daniela grew up in a bilingual family and focused her studies on languages, earning a Degree in Foreign Languages and Literature and a Master in Specialized Translation. In 2014, Daniela joined the ASD STEMG (Simplified Technical English Maintenance Group) as an Associate Member.

In addition to being a Certified Trainer for the ASD-STE100 specification, she is an active participant in the translator community.

Daniela is a member of COM&TEC, ITIA, ATA, and STC.